Arizona Wellness Group is a full service naturopathic clinic in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Andria Orlowski brings over 25 years of experience treating everything from the common mundane to the severe-life threatening conditions. She and the team recently received patent protection for an innovative protocol for mitigating or eliminating the cravings that drives addictions.
Arizona Wellness Group provides all medical services for Caring For Humanity and our partners.

Caring for Humanity has an ownership interest in Clean Green Planet, LLC which was organized to process the electronics we collect and recycle through Tree of Life. Clean Green Planet will provide jobs and careers for the teenagers and young adults struggling with opioid disorders who are involved in our Violet Green program. Humanity faces a tremendous hurdle overcoming the toxicity in the environment. That toxicity comes from many forms from chemicals found in our water, air pollution, and electronic waste clogging our landfills. Intelligent recycling and repurposing of used devices promotes a better planet

Alternative Weight Loss Therapy
Caring for Humanity has an ownership interest in Clean Green Planet, LLC which was organized to process the electronics we collect and recycle through Tree of Life. Clean Green Planet will provide jobs and careers for the teenagers and young adults struggling with opioid disorders who are involved in our Violet Green program. Humanity faces a tremendous hurdle overcoming the toxicity in the environment. That toxicity comes from many forms from chemicals found in our water, air pollution, and electronic waste clogging our landfills. Intelligent recycling and repurposing of used devices promotes a better planet

Applying Metrics to Enhance Profitability
Intelligent Metrics operates at the intersection of digital representations and the real world applications precisely applying digitally generated metrics to real world problems. Our data company is run by several or our members and is built around identifying inefficient, improper, or fraudulent practices. Improper or fraudulent activities have exploded with the increasing reliance upon internet based protocols. The average bank robbery nets the robber $4,330.00; whereas digital thieves stole $81,000,000 belonging to the Central Bank of Bangladesh. The average bank robber is usually caught, which is not the case with internet miscreants. This is the nature of these times and the company's focus.
Intelligent Metrics has developed programs and protocols to help health care companies and insurance carriers to identify fraudulent claims and other improper activities. It designs efficient processes to assist companies in finding a more feasible effective mode of operation blending the digital component together with the physical reality of the company's business activities. Often business operations existed prior to the introduction of computerized programs which can create an inefficient process that ultimately saps efficiency, profitability, and can facilitate fraudulent activity. We are focused on providing the very best alternatives for the client in the most efficient manner.
We believe research is the precursor to any endeavor. Intelligent metrics has worked with Caring for Humanity to develop a better mode of operating wherein the nonprofit operates like a for profit company in that it explores avenues to create revenue which transcends the donation process. Arriving at a self-funding mode of operation frees the nonprofit to focus on its good works as opposed to spending inordinate time raising donations.

Electronics Recycling
Some of us worked with a small cell phone company and over the years helped it grow and expand into other areas. We became concerned with the sheer volume of e-waste (electronic waste) and wondered what we could do. We decided many decline the request for a monetary donation but very few ever decline to give you their old used electronics which we refurbish, recycle, and direct the proceeds to our endeavors.

Greenhouse Healing
The drug of choice for teenagers and young adults is opioids. They utilize Snapchat to deal them to their peers. In designing our program we spent time listening to these young adults. One young man reported his efforts at getting clean at first involved a stint in a halfway house where each and every other resident offered him drugs. We designed a much better way; we plan to build around a solar powered geothermal greenhouse to provide jobs, careers, and a future.
Recognizing the most efficient manner of raising capital is reaching to investors and so Caring For Humanity owns 50% of Violet Green and will be partnering with select investors to scale the operation and ensure its future.